License Number: 54581
Telephone: 07 3893 2354 Mobile - Kevin: 0411 242 672 Mobile - Sandra: 0411 809 579 |
How do I know if my solar panels/system are operating safely and to capacity?
You can check it regularly (maybe once a week) at the inverter to make sure that it is producing consistently. If there is a problem, call COSGROVE ELECTRICAL for an electrician to test the inverter, isolators and panel wiring. It is also recommended that the inverter and isolator be checked by an electrician every year. An annual solar panel clean will also assist the system to be at maximum production.
What do I do if my safety switch trips?
First unplug what electrical appliances you were using at the time and then see if the safety switch resets. If it does the appliance you were using may be faulty. Plug it back in and try it again.
If it trips again: Discard it or get it repaired. If it does not reset: Unplug all the appliances on the affected circuit and then reset safety switch. If safety switch resets plug the appliances in one at a time and try them. If power trips while plugging appliance in leave that appliance disconnected, it may be faulty and need repair or replacement. If safety switch does not reset with everything unplugged then ring COSGROVE ELECTRICAL for our prompt service. What do I do if my smoke alarm starts beeping?
If it is beeping once every minute or two this means the battery needs changing. We will clean the alarm and change the battery.
What do I do if I have no power or lights?
Call Energex on 136262 to see if there is an outage in the area or check with your neighbour if they also have the same problem. If it is an isolated problem at your place call COSGROVE ELECTRICAL for our prompt service.
How do I save money on my electricity bill?
COSGROVE ELECTRICAL can audit your electricity usage and advise on more efficient lighting appliances or installation of different tariffs for pools and hot water systems. Some rebates exist from Energex and government.
What is the new Smoke Alarm Legislation?
The new legislation specifies that all Queensland dwellings are required to have interconnected photoelectric Smoke Alarms in all bedrooms, in hallways that connect bedrooms with the rest of the dwelling and on every level. For rental properties by 1 January 2022 and existing owner occupied homes by 1 January 2027.